Week #12

Gary here. I've been focusing on the 'end-game' this week - what happens after the player collects all the aliens in their pen? Well, they must then attempt to tame the ultimate alien...

Fig.1 - The last alien...

Conversely, should the player fail to survive long enough to meet it, it's game over man, game over.

I also made statues which block the player's way to the deeper parts of the forest, and must be given gold to break through to get to rarer and more valuable aliens. The mechanics for these statues were made all the way back in week 2!

Fig.2 - The player giving the statue gold until it breaks

And finally, I made a new alien. Isn't he cute?

Fig.3 - Newest alien

Getting close to the end of the project, I have just these things left to do;
  • Adding sound,
  • Making the user interface (particularly the HUD) look pretty, and
  • Finishing as many aliens as time allows.
I'll be tackling these things over the next week.

See you then!


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