Week #3

Gary here. This week I remade and improved the script that controls the alien and got all the needed interactions working. I just need to make aliens 'wander' back and forth when not engaged in any activity.

My other goal for this week was to create the sprites for the first alien:
Fig.1 - Alien 01 sprite sheet
Fig.2 - Alien 01 idle animation

In addition I created some particle effects. Mainly, the constant snowfall on Europa. It consists of small, fast moving snow that go all the way down the screen as well as bigger, slower snow that disappears halfway. It needed to crumble up so I made a simple sprite sheet for it:

Fig.3 - Snow sprite sheet

I also gave items that pop out of chests (as well as the grinder and rocket) cool particle trails, using this sprite sheet:
Fig.4 - Trail sprite sheet
That and the snow look like this in Unity:

Fig.5 - Particle trails

I got a second alien working - this one must be fed until it is full, then will be tame. It gets bigger and slower each time it eats. I'm not 100% happy with the sprites for it yet but so far it all looks like this:

Fig.6 - New alien working

Finally, I made the trees in the background also - towards the end of the project I'll come back to all these early sprites and improve them to the standards of the near-finished game:

Fig.7 - Tree 1

Fig.8 - Tree 2
I made a script which randomly switches sprites instead of using Unity's animator so that they all animate differently in-game, else they'd all move at identical times.

Next week I will continue filling out the game world to make it look more 'complete' so I can get good screenshots for ExpoTees, namely making the ground and floor. I would like to make the game logo also, if there is time.

See you then!


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