Week #9
Gary here. The game looks like this now: Fig.1 - Progress I'm very happy with how Europa has turned out, though the character obviously still needs work. My final addition to Europa's look was another creature flying through the background - it's carrying one of the birds it's captured back to it's nest to eat. Fig.2 - Exotic alien I liked the idea of the creature and figured one of the exotic aliens could be based on it. This alien is tamed by bringing another alien to it, whereupon the exotic alien will eat the other! Fig.3 - Food item I also remade the look of the food item, as before it didn't remotely resemble food, which feedback from peers and my supervisor said to change. Finally, I made a pen for aliens to be stored in - you can only store one of each kind of alien, and you have to store one of each to beat the game. Fig.4 - Pen This coming week I will create the final farm assets (the machine that grinds up aliens...